Tag Archives: horror

Gay zombie movies and brain-shaped Jello molds

Thank you to Dave from the Boston Gaylaxians Science Fiction Society for hosting an excellent gay zombie movie fest. OK, let’s deconstruct those modifiers:

  • ‘movie fest’ – yeah, we got that one. More than one movie + food.
  • ‘zombie movie’ – sure, every one’s heard of them. You know. The dead rise again to eat their living predecessors.
  • ‘gay movie’ – well, sure. who else can make a movie fabulous?
  • ‘gay movie fest’ – yeah, a bunch of gay guys getting together to watch movies ( and discuss the food, the camera work, and the existential loss when celluloid went digital.)
  • ‘gay zombie’ – ok, yeah, it’s a genre. Not as big as gay vampires, but what you don’t know can’t hurt you.
  • ‘gay zombie movie fest’ – now THAT is fun.

We saw two movies and three shorts:

  • Gay By Dawn
    • Bubba, uncle BillyBob, Cletus and the boys are sitting around a campfire telling scary stories. The scariest one causes them each to eye the other with dread and suspicion till the ‘money shot.’ “There ain’t no such thing as ‘gays.’ They made ’em up to scare people. Like ‘Mexicans.'”
  • Night Shadows
    • Online hookup turned mini-massacre as the undead return to extract their revenge on etheir fuck-buddy.
  • Otto: or, up with dead people
    • Medea is a post-Master’s graduate drop-out philosophy major decrying the oppressive nature of capitalism, business, consumerism, crowds and the living in general with a dissertation-style exposition that sounds like she just read Marx and Nietschze and listened to Alban Berg operas while getting high on black fingernail polish. Otto is dead. Medea is putting together a movie about zombies, called ‘Up With Dead People,’ to express the terminal undeath of modern culture. Otto is dead. Medea is aided by her black-and-white silent-movie girlfriend, her handsome, photographer brother a cast of hunky, gay-goth, sex crazed, zombie wanna-be’s. Otto is dead. There’s no describing the fruits of this particular collaboration.. You have to see it.
  • Gay Zombie
    • A post-mortem coming out story, poigniant, touching and utterly wrong.
  • At twilight, come the flesh eaters.
    • Ok, this one was porn – with the full monty – and if you’re into vegetabies, it’s the full Del Monte. Lettuce fetish? Into long, hot sessions of copping onions ( ok, scallions )? Do you often find sex toys while searching for toilet paper at a party? In the movie with in a movie motif, ‘Night Of The Living Dead’ is remade using drag queens and sex crazed zombies. Overall, the sex was mediocre, the story line was sometimes creative just for the sake of being wierd, and the moral was, yes, ‘don’t fuck your friends.’ (in the bad way. in the good way, it’s fine. apparently)

There were spooky cupcakes, frighteningly hot wings, a Jello mold in the shape of a right cerebral hemisphere, and a punch that had a serious punch to it.  Oh, and check out Dave’s great website QueerHorror.com

I had a blast and it was great to meet the guys and to find birds of a feather! Zombies ROCK. grraaaaoooowww. braaaainsssss.